New Upsy: In Pursuit of a 10% Sales Conversion Rate – Dream or Reality?

Discover the latest e-commerce trends for 2023 and learn how to stay ahead of the game with sophisticated AI tools for SME webshops.

Video Series E-commerce 2023

Welcome to Upsy’s video series!
We’ve distilled the newest e-commerce trends for 2023 to make it easier for SME webshop owners to stay up-to-date. We aim to help you maximize the potential of your online store.
Each episode is packed with the latest statistics and actionable strategies to improve conversions and boost revenue. 🛒
Video 1: Capture 70% of Your Traffic with Mobile Shopping Strategies
Video 2: How to Boost Your Online Store Revenue
Video 3: How to Avoid Basket Abandonment
Video 4: Maximise Your Sales with Smart Product Recommendations
Video 5: How to Succeed in Winning Customers in a Tightening Competition?

Sell more and personalise shopping experience with Upsy

Start using AI to personalise your online store experience. Make happier customers. Sell more.

Upsy is designed for SMEs webshop owners and optimised for mobile shoppers, offering smart navigation, AI recommendations, promotions, automated customer service, and insights
that will help you grow online sales smartly.

Turn your webshop visitors into buyers!